Colin B. Kennedy Mod. 110 Universal Receiver (1921-1925)

Nel 1921 questo ricevitore era in grado di ricevere qualsiasi trasmissione su tutte le lunghezze d’onda utilizzate all’epoca. Prezzo nel 1921: 250 USD.
Caratteristiche: ricevitore a reazione ad 1 valvola UV200, 2 circuiti accordati, banda di frequenze da 2 Mhz a 12,5 khz. Dimensioni 495 x 318 x 241 mm.

In 1921 this receiver was able to receive any transmission on all wavelengths used at the time. Price in 1921: 250 USD.
Features: regenerative receiver, one tube UV200, 2 tuned circuits, frequency band from 2 MHz to 12.5 kHz. Dimensions 495 x 318 x 241 mm.


Vista frontale col suo amplificatore “Type 525 two stage amplifier”
Front view with his “Type 525 two stage amplifier”


kennedy-110-2-openIl ricevitore aperto che mostra le enormi bobine necessarie per ricevere la banda VLF

The open receiver showing the enormous coils needed to receive the VLF band


Link: Radioboulevard


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